经颅直流电刺激仪(1x1系列) |
应用范围 |
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产品简介 |
tDCS 是一种无创的,利用恒定、低强度直流电( 0-2 mA) 调节大脑神经元活动的技术,通过片状电极将电流输送到指定脑区,在健康被试者身上的试验已经表明其可用于增强执行特定任务时的认知能力,并可以提高语言、记忆、数学、逻辑、注意力、协调等各方面的能力。 |
产品介绍 |

Basics of tACS: transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) is a low-intensity sinusoid (<2 mA) current across an electrode placed on the head. This causes a low-intensity electric field to oscillate across a targeted brain region. The frequency of this oscillation is set by the frequency of the AC source, which can be easily adjusted on the Soterix Medical 1×1 tACS. The targeted regions can be controlled by using 1x1 Accessories and Soterix Medical Neurotargeting software. Neuromodulation: The ability of a low-intensity current to entrain oscillations and neurons makes tACS a potential powerful neuromodulatory tool. Researchers and clinicians hypothesize that tACS provides unique capabilities to alter the brain and behavior. Selecting the frequency and intensity of stimulation, as well as electrode locations, is fundamental in determining the outcome. The Soterix Medical 1x1 tACS allows precise reproduction of all established tACS protocols, as well as the flexibility to explore new dose paradigms.
| olerability of tACS: Proper protocols, accessories, and equipment are required for reproducible and tolerated transcranial electrical stimulation. Soterix Medical optimizes systems for each technique (“In Advanced Neuromodulation One Size Does Not Fit All”) and tACS requires special consideration. Published human trials with tACS indicate that the technique is well tolerated when professional standards and equipment is used. This includes stimulators that provide precise output, even under load variation, and moreover, are engineered to prevent transient under non-ideal conditions, such as sudden changes in impedance (e.g. do to subject movement). All this technology is automatic with the Soterix Medical 1x1 tACS, allowing you to focus on the subject, not on the device. Adverse events associated with tACS include redness (erythema) under and around electrodes, tingling of the scalp during stimulation, and in some cases phosphene (a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.) The first two are controlled through use of quality single-use electrodes, such as the Soterix Medical EasyPads. Phosphines are not hazardous and in most cases are of retinal origin during tACS - this means that they can be minimized by using montages that limit current flow across the eyes. Simulation software can be used for this purpose including Soterix Medical Neurotargeting. |
| Oscillations of the brain: Rhythmic neuronal activity is ubiquitous in the human brain. These rhythms originate from a variety of different network mechanisms, which give rise to a wide-ranging spectrum of oscillation frequencies. In the last few years an increasing number of clinical research studies have explored transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) with weak current as a tool for affecting brain function. The premise of these interventions is that tACS will interact with ongoing brain oscillations. |  |
| tACS is unique: tACS is unlike tDCS because the waveform oscillates. tACS is unlike Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation; as tACS provides a well-defined and known signal to entrain brain activity. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation devices provide diverse and often poorly defined pulse trains with limited control on montage and brain targeting. tACS is unlike invasive techniques that use high-intensity pulses, because it provides a smooth modulation not possible with pulses. Soterix Medical 1x1-tACS is designed based on scientific principles of AC modulation and is the only device specially designed for tACS. |
| Oscillations and behavior: Researchers understand that oscillations are ubiquitous in the human brain, ranging from ultra-slow (0.05 Hz) to ultra-fast oscillations (500 Hz). These oscillations occur in the brain during different behavioral states and their power (amplitude) is commonly modulated during cognitive/behavioral tasks. Moreover, abnormal brain rhythms have also been shown to correlate with pathological conditions, like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and epileptic seizures. |
|  | Researchers designed tACS on the assumption that modulating brain rhythms has the potential to affect cognitive performance and may be used to treat neurological disorders. Therefore, picking the right stimulation output, and choosing a device that generates signal with high fidelity, underpins tACS. Soterix Medical biomedical engineers are ready to work with you on trial design. Our unique HDexplore software provides a module design used to optimize tACS electrode placement in order to target brain regions. Research grade equipment: At the single cell level, weak AC current applied to the brain |
| will sinusoidally alter the transmembrane potential. with each cycle of the sinusoid, the membrane polarizes up and down. The frequency of tACS sets how quickly the membrane oscillates, while the peak intensity of tACS sets the peak membrane polarization. But in the brain, neurons are not isolated. Neurons are tightly coupled by synapses and, in fact, work together to generate oscillations. In such a situation, weak AC current can modulate the oscillations, potentially increasing their power. Many questions remain about the mechanisms of tACS and Soterix Medical is proud to provide the most state-of-the-art stimulator to support this research. |
产品特点 |
在开始刺激前或刺激过程中提供电极连接状态的显示 清楚的显示当前真实电流 用来在刺激前提供一个弱电流让皮肤适应tACS刺激 允许实验过程中使用简单的滑块降低预置的电流值,根据被测者的反馈信息调整电流强度 简单智能的伪刺激波形
1x1配件 |
经颅直流电刺激的有效性和安全性与合适的刺激设备及其配件息息相关。 Soterix Medical的配件适用于我们所有的1x1刺激器。并且给临床科研人员提供无与伦比的控制性,重现性以及易设置性。 |
| 刺激设备最基础的配件是我们独特的EASYpads™,它是我们的工程团队针对tDCS舒适性与稳定性设计的电极,EASYpads™可以单独包装,也可以与你在1到5个疗程之内所需要的配件一起组成我们的EASYkits™进行包装。EASYpads™可以通过我们的弹性扣件或者与我们独创的EASYstraps™相配合固定在被试者头部,是您进行tDCS研究的最理想与最方便的工具。 |  |
Soterix EASYpads™:分布式铆钉限定电流聚焦的海绵电极™ |
Soterix EASYstrap™:最快速最精确在标准位置放置电极的工具 |
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| 为操作者提供简便的操作并提供舒适的刺激过程,按照我们所提供的指导操作,Soterix EASYpads™将是您最安全与可靠的选择,我们为您提供4种尺寸的可选电极(5x5,5x7, 5x10, 10x10 cm),您也可以定制您需要的尺寸。 1.简单稳定的配置,每个EASYpads™都内置一个连接tDCS的导电橡胶插槽。 2.专利的铆钉式设计使得电极边缘的电流密度最小化,从而保证预设刺激部位的电流密度。 3.最佳的电极材质确保盐水完全渗透,保证其在刺激过程中与皮肤的良好接触。 4.与带有刻度的Soterix EASYstraps™兼容,帮助您进行最精确的刺激并且提供了独立完成整个刺激实验的可能。 | 由Soterix Medical研发小组开发,EASYstrap™可以将Soterix EASYpads™电极固定在标准的tDCS刺激位置,最大化的确保实验的重现性和被刺激者的舒适度,帽子上刻有区域标记以及刻度尺,使得EASYpads™的安装简捷方便,轻松的定位标准tDCS电极位置,您只需插入EASYpads™电极,并将EASYstrap™固定在被刺激者头上即可,EASYstrap™还包含以下特点: 1.稳固的位置固定,即使在调整被测者位置时也不会松动。 2.在长刺激过程中,你可以调整EASYpads™电极或者给电极加盐水。 3.在临床研究中,你可以精确的再现电极位置。 4.EASYstrap™有三种型号可以选择(标准的S1,M1,L2),同时固定方式有三种:摁扣式,安全带式和尼龙搭扣式。 |
1x1选配软件 |  |
tDCS Explore软件通过电脑建模,将电流在颅内的分布进行可视化,为您找到最合理的刺激方法(电极位置,电流量等等)提供了可能,并提供移动终端(手机、平板电脑)版本,使用户可以随时随地进行试验设
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